Friday, September 14, 2012

Saving money and losing weight again!

I will start off by saying that I Bought $7.86 worth of nail polish and lip balm and got it all (tax included ) for $2.64 BUT, I got $2 back in Walgreens RR. Yay! I paid $.64 for all of it!!Not bad at all. I was struggling on Weight Watcher's for a few months now. I had a major stressor come about and I just about lost it completely. I wasn't able to eat right at all. I got so out of control on eating (or not eating) that I found it super hard to get back on track with Weight Watcher's. Well... for the last 2.5 weeks i have been counting and measuring and losing!! Lost 4.5 of the 15 I had gained. I am so happy. It feels good to be in control again. I am hoping to loose again this week. that will be 3 weeks in a row, this Tuesday. I have not exercised at all because my neck and back injury form the car accident a year and a half ago are really bothering me. But, I know that once I can start moving again it will be even greater!! Here is a photo of what I got tonight at Walgreen's for $.64!! Have a great night. xxoo.
From Drop Box

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