Friday, August 07, 2009

I am so in love with our new baby!!

I have 2 other kids and love them more than my own life. It is so hard to think sometimes that you could possibly love anyone else. there can not be any more love in me to give. But, when this little baby was born 3 weeks ago, I fell head over heels in love with him. I would die for him and I can not get enough of him. I love the bonding we have at night when I feed him and everyone else in sleeping. I love talking to him and Reading to him. I worry about the swine flu with him and it makes me cry to think about it.

I am 36 years old so my husband said no more babies. It makes me sad but I am soaking in every single moment I can with our new baby. I love with with all my heart. I love all 3 of my kids and God is sooooo good to us for allowing us this privilege for the third time. :)

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