Thursday, April 30, 2009
Remember the 2 Spring Giveaways I have end tonight!!!
One is in the cupcakes and arbonne blog and the other is in this blog. Click the link to the right to see it. Win a gorgeous plate that will be personalized and monogrammed just for you!
Swine flu? eek!
I have been feeling a little under the weather recently and with all the hype about the swine flu I got a little worried. I am pregnant after all and I have a compromised immune system.
My daughter is feeling a little sick too but I think we both just have a cold. We are stuffy and have a throat thing going on. No big deal. I am a little scared of going to the park though. You know with all the germs on the equipment I would hate to get anything else going around our house. Am I being unreasonable?
My son is just about finished with homeschooling. My daughter finished last week. yay! Summer break is nearly here!!! Beach without the guilt! lol!
My daughter is feeling a little sick too but I think we both just have a cold. We are stuffy and have a throat thing going on. No big deal. I am a little scared of going to the park though. You know with all the germs on the equipment I would hate to get anything else going around our house. Am I being unreasonable?
My son is just about finished with homeschooling. My daughter finished last week. yay! Summer break is nearly here!!! Beach without the guilt! lol!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The beach was beautiful!
Boy, we had a nice week.It started last Saturday when we decided to take sometime to head to the local beach and just sit and relax. We watched the kids play in the sand and scream about how cold the water was.(it if FL for goodness sake.How cold could it be? ) Then we went home and I made meatball subs with these yummy polish rolls and some provolone cheese. Yesterday we went to the beach again but this time we headed out to one of the top 10 beached in the US, Siesta Key. It was gorgeous! We packed some snacks so we had plenty to eat and munch on. We had stopped by UC and AJ's for lunch before going to the beach and had a good visit.
One of the reasons we left the house for such a long time away from home on a Wednesday (something we never do as Wed. nights are so jam packed for us) is because we had a tick problem in our house. Yuck! Our dog ran away (again!) and got a tick when the dog catcher caught her her in his dirty truck.Well, she is a large dog and since she had never in all these years had a tick we never thought to check her. Well,one day i started to find ticks allover the place hiding in the crevices of things.It freaked me out.I hate bug but especially ticks.I called the exterminator and they said we probably have a really bad problem because they breed so fast. EWE!!! We asked them to come and kill the bugs.We had to leave the house for 4 hours after they sprayed the house. SO off to the beach! I was a little worried about being in the house after the poison was in it being I am pregnant but the house was not bad smelling when we got home and the company assured me several times it was ok. You would think that because of liability issues they would say no way of there was even a question. Right?
Anyway, I just prayed hard that Nothing would happen to the baby, me or the rest of my family.
Husband has gotten a couple little jobs! Not much right now but soon it will be more. Yay! God is good and will take Care of us. That job I was going to get back with LiveOps (A virtual call center company) did a background credit check on me. I passed the background but failed the credit check! I could not understand this as I passed the last time and I do not have terrible credit. Well, I looked over the credit check and saw a couple names on there that were not mine. I also saw a bunch of addresses of places I was supposed to have lived at and they were never mine.That scared me and I will be checking with the credit bureau about this asap.I hope someone did not open accounts in my name. Man, I never thought identity theft would happen to me.
One of the reasons we left the house for such a long time away from home on a Wednesday (something we never do as Wed. nights are so jam packed for us) is because we had a tick problem in our house. Yuck! Our dog ran away (again!) and got a tick when the dog catcher caught her her in his dirty truck.Well, she is a large dog and since she had never in all these years had a tick we never thought to check her. Well,one day i started to find ticks allover the place hiding in the crevices of things.It freaked me out.I hate bug but especially ticks.I called the exterminator and they said we probably have a really bad problem because they breed so fast. EWE!!! We asked them to come and kill the bugs.We had to leave the house for 4 hours after they sprayed the house. SO off to the beach! I was a little worried about being in the house after the poison was in it being I am pregnant but the house was not bad smelling when we got home and the company assured me several times it was ok. You would think that because of liability issues they would say no way of there was even a question. Right?
Anyway, I just prayed hard that Nothing would happen to the baby, me or the rest of my family.
Husband has gotten a couple little jobs! Not much right now but soon it will be more. Yay! God is good and will take Care of us. That job I was going to get back with LiveOps (A virtual call center company) did a background credit check on me. I passed the background but failed the credit check! I could not understand this as I passed the last time and I do not have terrible credit. Well, I looked over the credit check and saw a couple names on there that were not mine. I also saw a bunch of addresses of places I was supposed to have lived at and they were never mine.That scared me and I will be checking with the credit bureau about this asap.I hope someone did not open accounts in my name. Man, I never thought identity theft would happen to me.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sorry I have been so MIA
So sorry, I have been online looking for at home work I can do. It has gotten crazy now. More later.
I just found out today that I got a position with LiveOps again. I am soooo happy. It is a work form home job where I will take calls from clients of LO. I have done this before and I loved it. I can only work late at night after the kids are in bed so please keep me in your thoughts. I need to have a lot of stamina for this. But we need the income right now. My husband is going on 6 weeks of no work. It is tough but we know God provides. I feel God provided this opportunity to me (us) again.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Remember the giveaway in my cupcakes and arbonne blog!!!
I just found out today that I got a position with LiveOps again. I am soooo happy. It is a work form home job where I will take calls from clients of LO. I have done this before and I loved it. I can only work late at night after the kids are in bed so please keep me in your thoughts. I need to have a lot of stamina for this. But we need the income right now. My husband is going on 6 weeks of no work. It is tough but we know God provides. I feel God provided this opportunity to me (us) again.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Remember the giveaway in my cupcakes and arbonne blog!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Got the Lilly fever~!
I was able to finally acquire the Lilly Entertaining book and the Lilly Holidays book from the library yesterday! I am so happy. I read through them last night and they are fabulous and so fun to read! The recipes are looking really yummy too. There are a few I would like to try. But... I do love the stories and the history in them. What a wonderful way of thinking. She never believed people should try to be like her or anyone else. She encouraged people to have fun while entertaining and not fuss and to not try and copy her style but find your own fun style. I love that! One thing I tend to do is fuss about everything when I entertain. That is probably why i do not do it very often. I think that everything has to be perfect and if certain people are coming over I feel like Things need to be extra perfect putting a lot of pressure and stress on me. I then become not such a great hostess because I am stressed. Lilly says to laugh when the lamb falls on the floor and do what Julia Child would do and throw it back on the platter. (Not sure I would throw it back on the platter but I think I can learn to laugh). Lilly also said to treat a duke like a dustman and a dustman like a Duke. What a great thing to think about. I do need to show respect to people like my Pastor and such but I do not have to act so frantic when I invite people I respect over. That takes a lot of pressure off and I think I would be a better hostess because of it.
Anyway, I love the Lilly books and plan on finishing up the reading today. :)Then, I think I might plan a little get together soon! How fun!
Anyway, I love the Lilly books and plan on finishing up the reading today. :)Then, I think I might plan a little get together soon! How fun!
pink and green. Lilly Pulitzer,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Had to go to maternity triage today..
OK yesterday was a nice, fun, relaxing day for the family but today was a whole different story. :) I woke up at 3am with this sharp pain that jolted me right out of bed. It scared me a little since I am 23 weeks along in my pregnancy. I was very thirsty and tired so i went to the kitchen, got a glass of diet ginger ale, and then went back to bed. I got up this morning to my dog whining to go out. so I took her out and I just felt really tired. More so than usual. I told my husband that that pain was still there and has been there for a month now. It has never jolted me out of bed before though. I called my OB to see what they thought and they told me to go right to the Triage at the hospital. Now, I hate doing that so I asked the doc if I had to go "right now?" and he said "yes!" So off we went, as a family, to the ER.
My kids thought this was very exciting. They were all giddy and my son told me he should have brought a camera. (just like mom, always wanting a photo opp) I had to put a gown on (I left my shorts on, i hate those things) and I was wheeled around in the bed to the ultrasound room. (I refused the wheelchair they offered when we first got there. I hate to feel helpless and I get embarrassed) My kids thought it was great seeing mom being wheeled around in the bed and my son kept saying that "If i knew this would happen i would have grabbed mom's camera!" *with a huge grin on his face* All I said was "Ha, ha. No thanks." :)
We were at the hospital a good 4 hours. My husband took the kids to a yummy but not so inexpensive lunch in the hospital cafeteria. I was not allowed to eat or drink anything. I was starving.
Finally I got to go home and they told me they thought my gallbladder may have to come out. Eek. Not while I am pregnant? They said yes. I have to see how things go and if the pain subsides and if not we may have to do something about it. Brother. I will do a lot of praying and hope that is is God's plan I need no surgery of any kind. Especially not while I am pregnant. I hear it is a harmless procedure but, still. :)
Anyway, I do feel the pain still but they also told me that I could have a real badly pulled muscle in my ribcage. They are still searching the ultrasound. I can take Tylenol (extra strength) but that is about it for pain.
My baby inside me loved the whole adventure. he was sleeping until the ultrasound and all of a sudden he decided to hop around, a lot! He was doing somersaults, I think. :) I really can't wait to meet him face to face. That will be exciting. I also can't wait for my kids to see their new little brother. They were both babies themselves at the same time. It will be neat to see how they interact with this little baby. I remember the joy in my husbands eyes when he saw our children after they were born. It will be neat to see that again. It has been 8 years since the last one. It will be all new again. Just like this pregnancy. I feel like I am learning all this all over again. You really do forget what it is all like after awhile because you get so busy with life and raising your ever rapidly growing children.
I will cherish every moment of this new baby like I did with My other two. I recall people telling me that they grow up too fast and I knew that they knew from experience and I should listen so I soaked it all in every moment. I feel privileged to be given the Chance to do it all over again. )
My kids thought this was very exciting. They were all giddy and my son told me he should have brought a camera. (just like mom, always wanting a photo opp) I had to put a gown on (I left my shorts on, i hate those things) and I was wheeled around in the bed to the ultrasound room. (I refused the wheelchair they offered when we first got there. I hate to feel helpless and I get embarrassed) My kids thought it was great seeing mom being wheeled around in the bed and my son kept saying that "If i knew this would happen i would have grabbed mom's camera!" *with a huge grin on his face* All I said was "Ha, ha. No thanks." :)
We were at the hospital a good 4 hours. My husband took the kids to a yummy but not so inexpensive lunch in the hospital cafeteria. I was not allowed to eat or drink anything. I was starving.
Finally I got to go home and they told me they thought my gallbladder may have to come out. Eek. Not while I am pregnant? They said yes. I have to see how things go and if the pain subsides and if not we may have to do something about it. Brother. I will do a lot of praying and hope that is is God's plan I need no surgery of any kind. Especially not while I am pregnant. I hear it is a harmless procedure but, still. :)
Anyway, I do feel the pain still but they also told me that I could have a real badly pulled muscle in my ribcage. They are still searching the ultrasound. I can take Tylenol (extra strength) but that is about it for pain.
My baby inside me loved the whole adventure. he was sleeping until the ultrasound and all of a sudden he decided to hop around, a lot! He was doing somersaults, I think. :) I really can't wait to meet him face to face. That will be exciting. I also can't wait for my kids to see their new little brother. They were both babies themselves at the same time. It will be neat to see how they interact with this little baby. I remember the joy in my husbands eyes when he saw our children after they were born. It will be neat to see that again. It has been 8 years since the last one. It will be all new again. Just like this pregnancy. I feel like I am learning all this all over again. You really do forget what it is all like after awhile because you get so busy with life and raising your ever rapidly growing children.
I will cherish every moment of this new baby like I did with My other two. I recall people telling me that they grow up too fast and I knew that they knew from experience and I should listen so I soaked it all in every moment. I feel privileged to be given the Chance to do it all over again. )
Thursday, April 09, 2009
I had such a wonderful and relaxing but productive day. My husband was home today so he helped me out with homeschooling. My son was doing geometry today (3rd grade!) and since my husband was with him I was able to get some housework done and water the flowers outside. I then looked up a lap book project online and we have Ecosystems and Abe Lincoln books started. It is a lot of fun. We went to Wal-Mart and bought some colored printer paper to print out the projects for the lap books. (Makes them much more interesting) We went to the library today as well. I found the Martha Stewart craft book (the new one!) in there and so I, of course, checked it out! We then went to the pond in front of the library to see if we could find the baby alligator and we did not but the birds were all there and it was nice to sit with my husband on a sunny afternoon and watch the birds while the kids were peacefully playing.
I have found a few projects so far in the Martha a Stewart book I want to try right away! One is the custom envelopes project. I can't wait to make some really pretty pink and green envelopes! How fun will it be to correspond with family and friends with those!? I also saw a paper box project that I recall doing as a child and thought it would be fun to make some cute pink and green ones. Not sure what I would use them for though. Any suggestions? The paper cutting and punching stuff looks like a lot of fun and real elegant. I have lots of punches in my craft closet so I can make good use of them now!
Oh so many things to do. I may have to extend the time I can check out this book until I can get one of my own. :)
Remember the contests going on in April one in this blog and one in the cupcakesandarbonne blog. Those fragrance sprays are so light and subtle but really refreshing! Also, none of the products are tested on animals and they are all natural Swiss products. I love them! Please help me to get to word out :)
Have a great night everyone!
I have found a few projects so far in the Martha a Stewart book I want to try right away! One is the custom envelopes project. I can't wait to make some really pretty pink and green envelopes! How fun will it be to correspond with family and friends with those!? I also saw a paper box project that I recall doing as a child and thought it would be fun to make some cute pink and green ones. Not sure what I would use them for though. Any suggestions? The paper cutting and punching stuff looks like a lot of fun and real elegant. I have lots of punches in my craft closet so I can make good use of them now!
Oh so many things to do. I may have to extend the time I can check out this book until I can get one of my own. :)
Remember the contests going on in April one in this blog and one in the cupcakesandarbonne blog. Those fragrance sprays are so light and subtle but really refreshing! Also, none of the products are tested on animals and they are all natural Swiss products. I love them! Please help me to get to word out :)
Have a great night everyone!
Marth Stewart
Giveaway reminder.
Remember we have a really fabulous giveaway of some really lovely monogramed plates to suit you. There are photos here to show you a couple examples. Rules are simple. Please show support for Terri and her wonderful business and her generosity upon givint to this contest. :)
Have a happy, preppy filled day!!! I am off to make some white coconut cupcakes with green frosting and pink sprinkles!!
Have a happy, preppy filled day!!! I am off to make some white coconut cupcakes with green frosting and pink sprinkles!!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Gorgeous giveaway!!! Monogrammed plates!
This would be adorable with a green monogram!
Isn't this a lovely pink and green monogrammed plate!
Love this plate!
Terri of Peace Love & Applesauce Boutique is generously offering to giveaway a gorgeous monogrammed plate that she will create for one lucky winner! You will love the Pink and green plates she has as well as the really cute picture frames she makes. I saw some pretty hair bows that my daughter would absolutely love as well!!
Rules of the contest...
you must do all these things to be entered. One entry per person.
(1)Please leave a comment here after going to Terri's Boutique on which is your fave of all her items listed.
(2) become a follower of her Peace Love & Applesauce Boutique blog (mention this in your comment)
(3) post a blurb about this on your blog so others can see the fabulous things Terri has to offer as well. Put the link to your post in your comment. :)
We will run this contest for the month of April and pick the winner on May 1st.
pink and green,
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Just wanted to wish everyone a great night tonight and I hope your day was just fabulous!!
A reminder that I have my April contest going still in my blog cupcakes and arbonne. Please spread the word. I would love for my first contest to be a really great one!!
Have a great night and have fabulous dreams!!
A reminder that I have my April contest going still in my blog cupcakes and arbonne. Please spread the word. I would love for my first contest to be a really great one!!
Have a great night and have fabulous dreams!!
Monday, April 06, 2009
I won!!
I won the cutest baby outfit for our newest edition coming in July. I was entered in the contest during the Ultimate Blog Party and Karen was so very generous. the outfit is the one shown above. It is 100% linen and has the cutest embroidery on it!! It is a Will'beth and I love it!! Please check out Karen's store for more precious baby clothes. :)
arbonne F.Y.I. April giveaway!~!!!!!

go to my cupcakesandarbonne blog to see the contest and the rules. It is absolutely fabulous and definitely one to enter this April!!!Please spread the word!!
SHI SHU STYLE give away!!!

SHI SHU STYLE is a fabulous company and is giving readers of Pink & Posh a chance to win of of these gorgeous baby snugglers!! These are made of all natural fibers and as moms we all want the best and most natural things for our babies. Go to Pink & Posh's blog to enter.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
check out my other blog for giveaways!!
I have a blog for my arbonne business. if you are interested, please visit this blog anfd tell others about it as well. I will have giveaways with unopened arbonne products!! I am trying to promote my arbonne business and gather newcomers to the arbonne business if you are interested. I can answer questions you have concerning arbonne and we will have a lot of fun!!! my arbonne blog is !!
Friday, April 03, 2009
Another giveaway!!! Gorgeous Blueberries and cream earrings...

CJ's Fine Design's is featuring a fabulous giveaway for April. This month she is featuring a wonderful Etsy seller from EllaScottJewels . Go to CJ's Fine Design's blog to enter a comment to win these great earrings. The contest rules are on her blog as well. :)
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Muffy is giving away a lovely necklace!!
Muffy is giving away this lovely one-of-a-kind necklace from Jewlery Without Jewels made with a charming MADRAS fabric!
Go to her site to enter the contest. Hurry, the contest ends this Friday. :)
Not feeling well
HI everyone. I am sorry for not writing a lot today. I woke up and felt a little under the weather. It got worse as the day wore on. I have 2 kids and I am 6 months along with my third so as you can imagine I am busy, busy, busy. I have tried to take it easy but it is hard sometimes. My son is also sick and has been coughing for 2 weeks now. I got him some of the Nyquil childrens cough and cold. He seems to be taking to that well. He hates the taste (that is not a bad thing :) ) but I reallt think it is helping him a lot. I had some pretty bad cramping and a headache today as well. I am in my 2nd trimester but bad things could still occur this far along. I just prayed things would be alright and I made some juice with my jack lalane juicer and I feel a bit better. I have to just take it easy today.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Best skin care line I have tried!
I love Arbonne. I am an independant rep for
arbonne . I love the stuff. I had some bad acne and skin isssues on my face and then someone introduced me to
arbonne and it cleared me right up! I also love the Figure8 products for weight loss. I still use it now for the nutrition while pregnant. I just don't try to lose wieght with it now. :)
I wanted to put this out there because I am trying to get a clientel going. If you or someone you knows would like to buy some
arbonne from me (or even sell it themselves) please follow my blog or tell them to do so. I can also contact anyone if they want me to. I am telling you this stuff is soooo fabulous!
arbonne . I love the stuff. I had some bad acne and skin isssues on my face and then someone introduced me to
arbonne and it cleared me right up! I also love the Figure8 products for weight loss. I still use it now for the nutrition while pregnant. I just don't try to lose wieght with it now. :)
I wanted to put this out there because I am trying to get a clientel going. If you or someone you knows would like to buy some
arbonne from me (or even sell it themselves) please follow my blog or tell them to do so. I can also contact anyone if they want me to. I am telling you this stuff is soooo fabulous!
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